by Laurie Halse Anderson
Oh my god ... This book! It took me about four attempts to finish the thing. I just could not get a handle on it. Every time I set about to read the damn thing I just felt my eyelids sliding ever so slowly closed until I was fast asleep, drool and all. And I don't even read before bed, we're talking...
Ok so I was a bit disappointed in this book. The synopsis said that it would change the way I look at the world but that didn't happen. I feel a little heartless saying that I didn't like any of the characters even the main character but it's true. I didn't connect with them at all and I got easily ...
Laurie Halse Anderson is one of my heroines. Ah, the goodness of her...This one didn't hurt as much as Wintergirls and Speak, thank God.
Laurie Halse Anderson ci presenta un nuovo romanzo per young adults scritto con il cuore che di certo non potrà lasciarvi indifferenti. Già colpita da Speak e Wintergirls, non sono rimasta affatto delusa da questo romanzo, e vi posso assicurare che le mie aspettative erano alte.Le emozioni difettos...
Phenomenal. Just phenomenal.
I've read Speak by Laurie Halse Andersen a couple of years ago in Finnish. Reading Catalyst in English was a total different exprerience since the book was on it's original form, not translated to some other language. Andersen's language is so vivid and beuatiful and noticed that I was constantly an...