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Catherine Fisher - Community Reviews back

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drallapaul rated it 8 years ago
Aimed at the Young Adult readership, this novel deals with time-travel, the mirror being the means to achieve this. Characters from the past, present and future inter-mingle and interact although it is difficult to know who to trust. There's also a fairy element added in, just to add to the engaging...
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
This sorry saga of a quartet comes to a rambling end and I just don't really care much. Fisher's total lack of planning lets her down completely in this disappointing waste of good ideas that also lacks some internal self-consistency. It should have been half as long (two volumes), taught and well t...
Arbie's Unoriginally Titled Book Blog
The third and penultimate volume of the Chronoptika saga - and here I use "saga" in it's most negative sense of long-winded dullness. I re-read the preceding two volumes in order to remind myself what was going on, a procedure I usually adopt if I've waited a year or so for the latest installment ...
Bookloving writer
Bookloving writer rated it 10 years ago
This is the second book in the Oracle Prophesies series by Catherine Fisher. It's set in a world that is the same mix of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece as in the first book (The Oracle). I liked the first book so much that I wanted to read the second in the series and I haven't regretted that deci...
La Mala *the mean girl*
La Mala *the mean girl* rated it 10 years ago
No-recomendado por Denisse.Me propongo leer de principio a fin libros considerados "malos". Mi intención es encontrar al menos UNA cualidad buena en ellos y reseñarlos objetivamente siguiendo 20 puntos a desarrollar brevemente. (Los puntos varían según el género del que se trate.)Si tienen ganas de ...
LyraLaJeune rated it 10 years ago
Zac ist der Lehrling des berühmtesten Baumeisters seiner Zeit - Jonathan Forrest. Dieser verfolgt eine überaus kühne architektonische Vision: Er will eine gigantische, sich spiralförmig in den Himmel schraubende Straße bauen, die alle auf der Welt existierenden Bauwerke in den Schatten stellt. Forre...
Allusion is not Illusion
Allusion is not Illusion rated it 10 years ago
I found the setting, the idea of the book, more interesting than the characters and action. And yes, I do mean that the setting is the idea. Incarceron is an unfathomably huge prison, self-sustaining and completely cut off from outside contact. Built centuries before the unspecified future age in wh...
I Live in Many Worlds
I Live in Many Worlds rated it 11 years ago
I won't talk too much about this book since it's the conclusion to a series. Just know that it was just as amazing as the first. Fisher is an incredible writer and I shall continue to read her books as long as she continues to write them. The ending to this is a bit open-ended and can continue if ...
I Live in Many Worlds
I Live in Many Worlds rated it 11 years ago
Catherine Fisher has become one of my favorite authors. Mostly because she tends to focus on the story and the characters as individuals. I loved her books Incarceron and Sapphique so I thought I should give her other books a try. I did and I loved it as well. This one is a fairly short story abou...
The Symmetrical Bookworm
The Symmetrical Bookworm rated it 11 years ago
Incarceron could easily have been five stars. It has an amazing prison. I mean, a prison that's ALIVE? That is mind-blowing. It could have been epicness.But it wasn't, sadly.Let me be clear right from the start: This wasn't a bad book. I fairly enjoyed it. The beginning was a bit slow, but bit by bi...
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