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Catherine Millet
Birth date: April 01, 1948
Catherine Millet's Books
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Pink's Blog
Pink's Blog rated it 11 years ago
Another book remembered from reading a few years ago. I recall enjoying some of the stories and events, but think it became a bit repetitive by the end... much like all sex memoirs.
Minor Characters
Minor Characters rated it 12 years ago
Points granted for Millet's candor: jealousy, being on the nastier side of the emotional spectrum, is not something most people want to admit to or analyze in regards to their own situation.Points deducted for attitude: holy hell, this woman is pretentious! Look, lady, you're giving in depth desc...
M Sarki
M Sarki rated it 13 years ago
Anyone interested can read my review of this book at the following page:http://mewlhouse.hubpages.com/hub/DaliandMe
M Sarki
M Sarki rated it 13 years ago
I loved this book as well. Enough to write a review of it here:http://hubpages.com/hub/JEALOUSY-by-Catherine-Millet
M Sarki
M Sarki rated it 13 years ago
I liked the book so much I wrote a review of it. See it here:http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Sexual-Life-of-Catherine-M
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