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Cathy Pegau - Community Reviews back

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TeaStitchRead rated it 7 years ago
A f/f sci-fi romance with a government mining agent and a not quite-criminial, not quite a law abider who wants to turn into a government informant so she can get her in-laws off her back and away from her kids. A seriously fun ride with an ending that was sensible and satisfying. Nat is an agent ...
Evaine's Books, Books and More Books
For some reason, I expected this book to be a mystery with a f/f romance as the secondary plot (and I don't think I was the only one.). Well... nope. *LOL* It's a m/f romantic subplot. Sort of. Vaguely. Really, Murder on the Last Frontier is basically a cozy mystery starring a 1920s feminist on...
Evaine's Books, Books and More Books
I've been looking for a good f/f romance to sink my teeth into, but you know what? Most f/f romances by recced authors are out of my budget range! I can't spent $13 on a 250 page romance novel. I don't spend that for ANY novel if I'm honest. Anyway, Cathy Pegau is a recommended author whose books...
cindyjameson rated it 8 years ago
I picked this book up started it on a Friday and finished it Saturday. I LOVED IT! Murder on the Last Frontier was everything a book should be! I am a stickler for historical facts; the movie, "The Notebook" just about killed me! I had my Google app at the ready and asked it every historical detail ...
bezweifeln rated it 8 years ago
One either likes the first person narrator in this story or doesn't. The world building in this book was really not there at all. There was enough mentioned that I felt the story took place on an alien world but take out a few keywords and it could have been set in Detroit. There is no detailed desc...
It's a Mad Mad World
It's a Mad Mad World rated it 9 years ago
Charlotte Brody, suffragette, and journalist has come to the town Cordova in Alaska to get away from her past. her brother Micahel is a doctor in town and she has plans to write about life at the last frontier, Cordova a place where people come to start over. But she hardly has time to settle in the...
debbiekrenzer rated it 9 years ago
3 Stars! #MurderontheLastFrontier @KensingtonBooks @CathyPegau Comes out November 24th, 2015 This one was just okay for me. It was a cozy mystery set in Alaska. Charlotte comes to Cordova, Alaska to see her brother and there's a murder on her first night. On day 2, she's already making people mad...
That's What I'm Talking About
That's What I'm Talking About rated it 11 years ago
Rating: B+ Liked It A LotOriginally posted at That's What I'm Talking AboutReview copy provided by author Reading like an exciting suspense romance, Caught in Amber is a wonderful science fiction tale that follows the story of Sasha James and Nathan Sterling. Sasha is a recovering drug-addict paro...
Rachel the Book Harlot
Rachel the Book Harlot rated it 11 years ago
DNF I'm going to put this on hold. It's just not working for me. There is no chemistry between the leads, the insta-intimacy and trust makes their relationship unbelievable, and I feel no connection to either one. The writing style is also driving me a bit crazy. There is too much physical movemen...
Jemology rated it 11 years ago
Deep Deception is the third book in a series of sci-fi romances set on the mining colony of Nevarro. This and the first book (Rulebreaker) are f/f romances while the second one is m/f. Each book features a different couple so they can be read independently of one another. Its best to read Rulebrea...
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