I've already raved about the first book in the series. This one is just as good.Action packed, mind-blowingly crazy, bloody and gritty dystopian urban fantasy. Not for weak in the stomach. Very strong, paranoid, unique and stubborn heroine, causing a deep feeling of sympathy in a reader. Non-stop ac...
I've had this book recommended to me by a friend on Goodreads, and only managed to buy and read it last month.I can honestly say that this is one of the grittiest, harshest, most hardboiled urban fantasy series I have ever read. And I read a lot in this genre.Julia Poe Chronicles blends almost child...
It's hard to get my thoughts together on this book right now. I liked it a lot, although I am not real happy with the way it ended.Reviewed for Bitten by Books. http://bittenbybooks.com