by Robert McCammon et al This is a collection of Horror stories, many of them written by authors I've heard of and read before, including Robert McCammon, Kealan Patrick Burke, John Everson, Hunter Shea, William Meikle, Jason Parent, Kathryn Meyer Griffith, and Jonathan Janz. To my surprise, a l...
Every once in a while, and those whiles seem to be getting longer, there are anthologies that simply blow you away. You know the ones....DARK FORCES edited by Kirby McCauley, and Charles L. Grant's SHADOWS series being two that are close to my heart. Collections of stories that defy the odds, not a ...
So, I'm going to start this off with saying that I really am not fond of "coming of age" stories. I realize this is an unpopular opinion and no, I don't want to read McCammon's A Boy's Life either. You can argue with me all you want, I don't care for them. This is one of them, which I wasn't expecti...