by John Holte, Holte
critical pointهذا الكتاب لم يزدني الا تساؤلات عن النقطة الحرجة التي بعدها ينقلب اي نظام لفوضى والتبؤء بها وبكيفية استحداثها او سحبها او عالاقل تقليل مدتهالكن لو عرف العالم شيئا كهذاهل من االممكن ان يقوم مجموعة اصوليين باستحضار فوضى عارمة املا في حياة جديدة ؟؟؟
The kind of book that just blows your mind with how cool it all is, and why doesn't anyone teach science like THIS. Because of this book, and the many delights that have followed, I am a lover of popular science writing. And also, I've learned way more than I ever did in school.
This was a great introduction to the subject. It turns out nonlinear systems are everywhere. Engineers have fooled ourselves by linearizing things for so long. We've basically pretended nonlinear responses are linear, so that we can deal with them. It turns out there is some extremely surprising ...