by Nancy Kress
The earlier in one's writing career this book is read, the more enjoyable it will be. While I was able to find some useful tidbits, most of this book focused on that which I already knew. This reference guide is written in textbook style.
Eventually, reading books about how to write is just another way to put off writing. I've said before that I think I've exhausted what I can gain from such books, not because I'm now the best writer I can be (I'm not, or at least I hope I'm not) but because you have to learn by doing, not by reading...
This is a helpful book on creating character and one of the more helpful writing books I've read overall. As a writer, for some regrettable reason I have a hard time absorbing the lessons in writing books; this one actually reaches me somewhat. Excellent exercises. Writers should read it unless they...
This book got me thinking about my writing even when the focus was old hat. What more could I ask for?
Decent wrap of of the more technical aspects of writing: 'what it says on the tin' pretty much. Some good exercises at the end of the chapters (really, the only reason I go for "how to write" books.