Charles den Tex
Birth date: April 21, 1952
Charles den Tex's Books
Quite standard thriller, which can be nice from time to time, but my biggest problem were the negative clichés surrounding the characters, i.e. the criminals are all Eastern Europeans, the young woman is naive and need two strong men to protect her, etc. ~~~~ Gelezen voor de discussie op Ezzulia.n...
Lekker zomerboek. Onderhoudend en spannend. Ik hou wel van de manier van schrijven van den Tex.
De Maand van het Spannende Boek is celebrated in June and promotes the suspense books in The Netherlands. Traditionally everyone who buys a book gets a little book for free, like 'Onmacht' in 2010. Unfortunately, these small books are usually not the best stories... Onmacht werd gratis meegegeven ...