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Charles Prepolec
Charles V. Prepolec was born in 1966 and is a native of Calgary, AB, Canada. He is a freelance writer, editor and reviewer. His articles, interviews, artwork and reviews have appeared in Scarlet Street, Sherlock, All-Hallows, and Canadian Holmes as well as fanzines Peladon Press and Into the... show more

Charles V. Prepolec was born in 1966 and is a native of Calgary, AB, Canada. He is a freelance writer, editor and reviewer. His articles, interviews, artwork and reviews have appeared in Scarlet Street, Sherlock, All-Hallows, and Canadian Holmes as well as fanzines Peladon Press and Into the Vortex. He has been acknowledged for various contributions in Starring Sherlock Holmes (Rev. Ed. Titan Books 2007), Sherlock Holmes On Screen (Reynolds and Hearn 2002), Christopher Lee: The Authorised Screen History (Reynolds and Hearn 2001), In All Sincerity Peter Cushing (Xlibris 2004) and Heroes & Monsters: The Unofficial Companion To The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Monkeybrain Books 2003). Along with his friend and frequent collaborator Jeff Campbell, he has edited five Sherlock Holmes anthologies - Curious Incidents Vols. 1&2, Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes (2008), Gaslight Grotesque: Nightmare Tales of Sherlock Holmes (2009) and Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes (2011). He maintains his own Sherlock Holmes website www.sherlocknews.com.An avid reader from childhood, early obsessions included comic books, Doc Savage reprints, Burroughs'' John Carter, Fleming''s James Bond and John Norman's Gor series. He has always had an appreciation for the works of Jules Verne, Victor Hugo, H.G. Wells, E. A. Poe, Bram Stoker, H.P. Lovecraft, and far too many others to mention. More recent interests include classic weird fiction and contemporary horror anthologies from small press publishers, although his favourite authors come from a variety of genres and include George MacDonald Fraser, Reginald Hill, Terry Pratchett, Kim Newman, Simon Clark, Steve Hockensmith, and Tim Lebbon.In the mid-1980s a chance encounter with the Renegade Press Cases of Sherlock Holmes comic books and a television broadcast of the Granada Sherlock Holmes series sparked an enduring fascination with Arthur Conan Doyle's Great Detective, with a particular interest in film, television and pastiche interpretations of the character. An active member of Calgary''s local Sherlock Holmes society The Singular Society of the Baker Street Dozen since 1987, Charles is also a member of Canada''s national Sherlock Holmes group The Bootmakers of Toronto, who in 2006 awarded him Canada's highest Sherlockian honour with the designation of Master Bootmaker. He has attended Sherlockian conferences in New York, London, Indianapolis and Toronto, and also spoken about Sherlock Holmes on local and national radio. His collection of Sherlockiana has appeared on display in Theatre Calgary's gallery during their 2005 staging of William Gillette''s play Sherlock Holmes. Leaving behind University studies in History and Education in 1989 he opened Calgary's only, now defunct, mystery specialty bookstore Mad For A Mystery, then went on to work for Smithbooks (where he met his wonderfully understanding wife Kristen), Books on Cassette, and Positive Concepts before settling in as operations manager for The Movie Poster Shop in 2001. A major film and television buff, favourites include classic adventure, screwball comedy, mystery and horror films (Universal and Hammer), Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Star Trek. On Sunday afternoons you can frequently find Charles down the pub, Guinness in hand and cigarettes within reach, blissfully chattering with Jeff Campbell about any or all of the above.Charles and Jeff completed work on their third anthology of supernatural Sherlock Holmes stories for EDGE SF & F, GASLIGHT ARCANUM: UNCANNY TALES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES in Fall 2011. They are currently working on a new fantasy anthology - PROFESSOR CHALLENGER: NEW WORLDS, LOST PLACES - for release in early 2014 by EDGE SF & F. Charles is also co-editing (with Paul Kane) an anthology for Titan Books - BEYOND RUE MORGUE - which is due for publication in 2013.
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Community Reviews
Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it 7 years ago
Disclaimer: I received an ebook ARC of this book via a giveaway at Librarything.Gaslight Gothic is a collection of ten stories that combine Sherlock Holmes with gothic literature, in terms of style and characters. Poe makes an appearance in one story as does Hyde for example. Most of the stories are...
beishir rated it 10 years ago
I just finished reading the anthology Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes. Reviews of each story are below.As with any collection, there were highs and lows. Fortunately, the highs greatly outpaced the lows.As a collection, this is a hearty 4 STARS. "The Comfort of the Seine" by Steph...
Intensely Focused
Intensely Focused rated it 12 years ago
I thought this anthology was uneven. There were a few stories that really stood out but most didn't make a lasting impression. I liked The Lost Boy by Barbara Hambly/ It was interesting reading a story from Mary's point of view. But it was really the idea of a young Sherlock in Neverland that pique...
The Charcoal Burner
The Charcoal Burner rated it 15 years ago
Unlike the reviewer at SF Site, I felt that the best of the bunch was the story that didn't include Holmes -- the incomparable Kim Newman's 'The Red Planet League'. The rest were readable, at times even quite good -- with the possible exception of editor J.R. Campbell's awkward pulp offering 'The E...
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