Charles Reade
Birth date: June 08, 1814
Died: April 11, 1884
Charles Reade's Books
bookshelves: autumn-2014, gutenberg-project, e-book, ipad, published-1861, tbr-busting-2014, victorian, historical-fiction, medieval5c-16c, roman-catholic, revenge, religion, public-domain, protestant, politics, plague-disease, philosophy, ouch, nutty-nuut, newtome-author, look-behind-you, lifestyl...
Link: Not a day passes over the earth, but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words, and suffer noble sorrows. Of these obscure heroes, philosophers, and martyrs, the greater part will never be known till that hour, when many that are gr...
[These notes were made in 1983; play dates from 1854:]. Read for exams. A brief two-acter, self-referential, and terribly sentimental (o welcome relief from Restoration comedy!) Sanctity of marriage, and the wicked actress proves to have a heart of gold. Colley Cibber appears as the representativ...