Book: The Art of Frozen Author: Charles Solomon Genre: Non-Fiction, Animation, Art Design, Film, Film Design Summary: In Disney’s Frozen, fearless optimist Anna sets off on an epic journey - teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven - to find her sister, Elsa, wh...
Like most people my age, I grew up with Little Golden Books. The very first book I read by myself was Pussy Willow.Anyway, one of the things that makes the books so loveable is the illustration. Some of the finest artists worked on the books, including Disney greats like Mary Blair and Bill Peet. Gu...
Recommended by Elysia. Also, myself.Some beautiful artwork to be seen here, though I should very much liked to have seen a) more character sketches and b) more hand-drawn art and less digital.One thing I found very interesting was that Elsa's original design had a similar face, but short black spiky...