by Kaye Gibbons
I went 5 minutes beyond my self-imposed minimum 20 minutes (for audiobooks) before DNFing. That was 25 minutes of exposition as the main character explains her family's backstory, and we had only gotten as far as her mother's childhood. Yawn. Audiobook version, borrowed from my local public librar...
Set in the rural south, this book has a colorful cast of strong southern women. It's one of my favorites of Kaye Gibbons books.
"I have read two books a week for thirty years. I am satisfied that I know everything." So says Charlie Kate Birch, and she's not shy about sharing her knowledge, whether you want to hear it or not. Charlie Kate is an early-1900s North Carolina midwife, herbalist, and self-styled doctor (with no ...
This belongs to a genre that I'm not generally fond of, southern small-town stories of generational ties with eccentric characters; as the front cover blurb has it, "as invigorating as sarsaparilla and as soothing as lemon-balm tea". They always seem to feature women who are not only independent and...
Charms is a family saga. The narrator, Margaret Birch tells of her mother, Sophia, her grandmother, Charlie Kate, her no-good father, her failed grandfather and a broad cast of characters that inhabit the southern towns of her upbringing. It oozes warmth. I was reminded of A Secret Life of Bees. The...