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Checkmate - on shelves back

by Dorothy Dunnett, Andrew Napier
Goyo Person Of Interest Carpe Librum By mouldiwarps for mouldiwarps notyourmonkey Evaine's Books, Books and More Books Lived in a Pretty www.livedinapretty.com/ anneboleyn DayDreamer Book Souk Sorcha Admitted Dilettante Buried In Print Wandering through fiction The Window Seat on a Rainy Day coffee & ink Betsy's Non-Blog Posh Dresses, Hot Men and Heaving Bosoms author Cassandra Dean Reading in the Dark jasmijn Tonina Talks Tales Don't Be Afraid of the Dork Nell weatherstained I Have No Title and I Must Blog Darlene Marshall, author misfitandmom Bibliophilia SandraSchwab Electablue Telynor's Library, and then some scottakennedy Liber Arcanus Sarah (The Brazen Bookworm)
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