I really enjoyed reading this book! It was so good. On to book too!
Read for the October pick from The Kinkery Book club.Master Z is a fantastic Dom because he knows what everyone wants. At first I rolled my eyes because no man can do that. Sorry. Once it became obvious that he really did seem to know I was worried we were going to cross over into paranormal territo...
Oh my gosh, Goodreads ate my review, and I don't have it in me to retype the whole thing. I had some problems with seemingly shared elements to [b:Master of the Mountain|6690549|Master of the Mountain (Mountain Masters, #1)|Cherise Sinclair|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1249807378s/6690...
This gets 3.5 stars for some good portrayal of BDSM, and 3.5 for bad portrayal of BDSM. Some parts are spot on & delve into the lifestyle really well. Others... not so much. So it's a wash as far as the rating. Basically it's like Rocky Horror if Janet were to stumble upon Frankenfurter's Castle in ...