Cherry Hill is an award-winning author of over 30 books and videos and over 1000 articles on horse training and care.Cherry was a horse show judge for 25 years for several national breed organizations. She also taught college equine courses from 1975-1985 in the US and Canada, including Olds...
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Cherry Hill is an award-winning author of over 30 books and videos and over 1000 articles on horse training and care.Cherry was a horse show judge for 25 years for several national breed organizations. She also taught college equine courses from 1975-1985 in the US and Canada, including Olds College in Alberta, Canada and Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. Cherry instructed courses such as Horse Behavior, Ground Training, Mounted Training, Western Horsemanship, English Equitation, Riding Instructor Training, Equine Evaluation, Stable Management, and Equine Production.Cherry has been a free-lance equine photo-journalist since 1975 and has written for such publications as Horse & Rider, The Quarter Horse Journal, The Chronicle of the Horse, the American Farrier's Journal, The Horse Journal, Western Horseman and over 20 other national equine publications. Cherry Hill received the Colorado Authors' League Top Hand Award twice for her books. The Top Hand award is one of the most distinguished writing awards in the regions with competition from fiction and non-fiction books on any topic. Cherry received the CAL Top Hand Award in 1995 for 101 Arena Exercises and in 1999 for 101 Horsemanship and Equitation Patterns.In 1994 the American Farriers Association presented Cherry with their Journalism Award for meritorious service in collecting, editing, and presenting information of interest to farriers.Cherry was the recipient of the 1992 American Horse Publications first place award for editorial excellence in the category Service to the Reader for a series she wrote on liability in the equine industry.In 2002, Cherry Hill was the recipient of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Henry Bergh Children's Book Honor in the Non-Fiction Companion Animal Category for her book Cherry Hill's Horse Care for Kids. It was selected for its outstanding ability to teach young readers a new way to care for animals and natural resources that we all share.For more information on Cherry Hill and her books and videso, visit her website at http://www.horsekeeping.comVideos and DVDs by Cherry Hill:101 Horsekeeping Tips: 3 volumesHandling and GroomingFeeding and Health CareFaciliites and TackThe Horse - El CaballoA Journey for KidsA bilingual video horse book on DVDBooks authored by Cherry Hill:El Cuidado de Tu Caballo, Tutor, 2005.Monta Western, Hispano Europa, 2005HORSEKEEPING ON A SMALL ACREAGE, 2nd edition, Storey Books, 2005.Cherry Hill's Horse Care for Kids, Storey, 2002HORSE HOUSING (With Richard Klimesh)Trafalgar Square, 2002.RIDING WESTERN 2002.STABLEKEEPING Storey 2000.TRAILERING YOUR HORSE Storey 2000.101 HORSEMANSHIP AND EQUITATION PATTERNS , Storey, 1999.101 LONGEING AND LONG LINING EXERCISES, ENGLISH & WESTERN, John Wiley 1999.LONGEING AND LONG LINING THE ENGLISH AND WESTERN HORSE, John Wiley, 1999.BEGINNING WESTERN EXERCISES, Storey, 1998.INTERMEDIATE WESTERN EXERCISES, Storey, 1998.ADVANCED WESTERN EXERCISES, Storey, 1998.BEGINNING ENGLISH EXERCISES, Storey, 1998.INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH EXERCISES, Storey, 1998.ADVANCED ENGLISH EXERCISES, Storey, 1998.HORSE HANDLING AND GROOMING, Storey 1997.HORSE HEALTH CARE, Storey 1997.HORSE FOR SALE, Howell Book House, 1995.101 ARENA EXERCISES, Storey 1995.PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LAMENESS IN HORSES with Ted Stashak, DVM. Williams & Wilkins, 1995.YOUR PONY, YOUR HORSE, Storey, 1995.MAXIMUM HOOF POWER, with Richard Klimesh, Trafalgar Square, 1994.MAKING, NOT BREAKING, Breakthrough, 1992.BECOMING AN EFFECTIVE RIDER, Storey 1991. FROM THE CENTER OF THE RING, Storey, 1988.THE FORMATIVE YEARS, Breakthrough, 1988.
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