Cheryl Orth Chapman has been caring for, teaching, and writing for and with children since her childhood days as the oldest of 5. She was born in Wisconsin, grew up in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Oklahoma, spent her teaching career in Illinois, and is now retired to her happily ever after home...
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Cheryl Orth Chapman has been caring for, teaching, and writing for and with children since her childhood days as the oldest of 5. She was born in Wisconsin, grew up in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Oklahoma, spent her teaching career in Illinois, and is now retired to her happily ever after home near the sandy shoreline of Lake Michigan in Indiana. As a child, she was convinced she could out-Seuss Dr. Seuss, and her first published work, PASS THE FRITTERS, CRITTERS, won a Parent's Choice Award. SNOW ON SNOW ON SNOW was nominated for a Coretta Scott King Award, and she recently discovered that her latest work, A BABY IN THE BELLY, can easily double as the perfect Facebook baby announcement when held by the big brother or sister-to-be! Enchanted by her Grandma Orth's tales about the German ancestors, Cheryl spent her junior year of college in Germany. A frequent visitor there, she collaborates with writer/storyteller/ educator Josef Mahlmeister on stories like SKYSCRATCHERS AND CLOUD-CATCHERS: Chicago to Cologne. Cheryl believes in making the world a better place, one story at a time! She does author visits locally and in Chicagoland schools of need, and loves being know as "The Book Grandma" by the awesome kids in her life. Working for peace and justice since the late 1960's, Cheryl's favorite line is: Waves are only straight lines gone interesting - so make waves! And her philosophy? Live your life as though you are writing your own story - because - you are!
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