by John Layman, Rob Guillory
Chew is a truly strange comic book where a lot of the characters have abilities out of the ordinary with regards to food and drink. Tony Chu, our hero, is cibopathic. This means that he gets a psychic impression from everything he ingests. This can mean that he can picture the tree an apple came fro...
Very well done. For some reason I didn't enjoy this volume as much as the first, but it was still quite an enjoyable read. This volume felt more chaotic than the first and I wasn't as drawn in. However it was wonderful nonetheless and I look forward to reading the third volume.
Genre: Crime / Humor Year Published: 2011 Year Read: 2013 Series: Chew #2 Publisher: Image Comics Introduction: After reading the first volume of this fantastic series “Chew: Taster’s Choice,” I was geared up to read the second volume “Chew: International Flavor!” “Chew: International Fl...
Love all the Terminator jokes the sidekick makes.
The comedy continues to be the strong point of this book, along with the irregular artwork, which I love. This book didn't seem to be driving forward as hard as the last one, which was a bit of a lat-down, and the stakes seemed a lot lower and the writing more juvenile, so this was definitely not as...
I'm liking this series more and more. And I had to throw it an extra star for some of the brilliant dialogue.
I didn't think this series could get any better than it's first arc. I was wrong. Was so glad to see John Colby back in the series. Would've given it 5 stars, but that ending was so over the top, even Tony mentions that was ridiculous. And it kinda left a few loose ends, but that may have been inten...