Chicks Kick Butt > Series Anthology holds novellas in 6 series that I have followed from beginning to ending and others that I have yet to start, in each offering the lead female metes out swift and sometimes brutal justice and in each story in this collection the author who wrote it cemented my pri...
For Rachel Vincent's.
Historias Cortas:1.Shiny by Rachel Caine (Weather Warden story) -Otra serie que no sigo.2.In Vino Veritas by Karen Chance--- Dorina siendo Dorina y siempre en problemas :) 3,5 de 5.3.Hunt by Rachel Vincent -- Cat shifters en los bosques. No es una serie que siga, ni tampoco me interesa.4.Monsters...
Anthology filled with kick ass women who don´t take crap from no one and don´t need no knight with shining armour. Rachel Caine´s Shiny, Joanne and David goes head to head with a djinn on the run.Karen Chance´s In Vino Veritas, dhampire Dorina challenges a gang of vampires in her own way.Rachel Vinc...
Only read Hunt by Rachel Vincent - Book 6.5 in her Shifter SeriesShort story focused on Abby. Good but very, very short.
This book is very misleading. Rather than being a collection of stories celebrating women who are both strong and feminine, it is simply various short sequels, prequels and spin-off stories from popular urban fantasy series. Some of them are mildly entertaining, but most are not. Or at least, they'r...
*Rating* Overall 3 stars*Genre* Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance*Review* 3 1/2 starsShiny is a Weather Warden short story by Rachel Caine - Not sure where in the series this story actually takes place. It follows Joanna Baldwin and her husband David as they chase a new Djinn named Whitney into t...
4.5 starsI really liked this one - I believe it's the first anthology I've read where every story is good, with several great ones. I have some authors to check out too, and there's several that I'm hoping will spawn either full books or at least more shorts.If you've read any of my reviews you alre...
I read for karen chance / dorina basarab story. she didn't kick butt exactly :D but it was a cool story. and louis-cesare was there for her :heartmelting: and I read shifter series short story by rachel vincent. this one has a really kick butt action in it lol awesome.
Shiny (Rachel Caine) - (Weather Warden series)In Venito Veras (Karen Chance) - (Dorina Basarab #2.1)Hunt (Rachel Vincent) - (Shifters #6.5)Monsters (Lilith Saintcrow) Vampires Prefer Blondes (P.N. Elrod) - (The Vampire Files series)Nine-Tenths of the Law (Jenna Black) Double Dead (Cheyenne McCra...