A review of the first volume of Chobits
*Warning Mild Spoilers*This is a very hard Manga to review. I am torn, on the one hand I loved the concept of Persocon's. They are super cute and to be honest I want my own!Then there is also "Plum" that is a small persocon, and called a laptop. How awesome do you get!?Then there is the other side o...
Chobbits is a not a light read, this series deals with human emotions, lost, love, grief, sexual objectifications and true love. If you fail at any moment to shed a tear then you must be made of stronger stuff than me.
Not going to lie...I tried. Again, I felt it was a more appealing story for young teenage boys...than myself. The concept and futuristic world was interesting though...
More of a 4.5 rating for the whole series, the ending I thought kind of let it down but its a great series, one of my favourites! The art is beautiful and Chi is very cute.
herp derp I was one of those kids in the manga aisles of barnes and noble, reading these thangs. This is manga canon. Read it if you haven't already. Classic story appeals to everyone, clamp art is beautiful, be happy you aren't a robot. And now whenever I think of poor Japanese students, I think of...
Read prior to joining Goodreads.
Not a fan of this series, but doesn't mean you shouldn't read it.