I found this story quite hard to get into but once I got past the first about 100 pages or so I was sucked in and couldn't leave it down. Konowa Swift Dragon was the commander of the Iron Elves, an elite company. Now he's disgraced and the Iron Elves disbanded. They're reformed, but now as a rag-...
The second book of the series and it does across as a bridging novel. The Iron Elves are trying to get to the next star before the Shadow Monarch. As they go they discover another threat. Anwar Renwar is still trying to come to terms with his lost foot and with the ghosts that haunt him. There w...
The main attraction I have to this series is the different technology level it has to normal fantasy fare. Black powder is in common use among the soldiers, so they have muskets and cannon.A handful of the characters are fun and interesting, namely the Queen's scribe, Rallie, a cigar smoking old ba...
This is a different sort of fantasy, I do know that fantasy is about war a lot, but this takes it a step further. It is military fantasy and the author does it so very well.In the third and final book the world is crumbling. An evil elf wants destruction, and our hero, Major Konowa is bent on findin...
drey’s thoughts:Ashes of a Black Frost picks up after the bitterly hard-won battle with Major Konowa Swift Dragon emerging from the haze of blood and guts barely cognizant of those around him. He’s lost so much to get to this point, and it’s not even a point he wanted to be at. But being a soldier, ...
This book continues where book 1 left off. Konowa and The Iron Elves are destroying the Shadow Monarchs trees on islands on their way to the desert on the south. There Konowa hopes to meet up with his exiled men, the true Iron Elves and with them take up the fight to banish the Shadow Monarch. But a...
I do like good old fantasy, rich worlds with complex histories, that is what world building is about. This was good fantasy.The book begins and we learn that the former Governoner of Elfkyna was murdered, but a decorated officer named Konowa. But the governor was working for the dreaded Shadow Monar...