This is getting far more interesting, but given the slow pacing leading up to this, I'm not likely to pick up more of this series unless it's at a library, a crossover with Transformers - because that crossover with Kup really worked for me - or it's in another Humble Bundle. For now, I'm happy f...
To be honest I wasn't expecting much from this book. But I really enjoyed it.When the TV show first aired I thought it looked interesting. Cool concept, female badass kicking ass Buffy style: I was onboard. Except after a couple of episodes I gave up. The show was limping with material that should h...
Incredible graphics and a highly original story. I can't wait to read more.
Incredible graphics and a highly original story. I can't wait to read more.
Having watched the TV show, I was eager to delve into the series and see how it originally came about. I loved this glimpse into how badass Wynonna is and that it all began before she came back to Tombstone.Incredible graphics and a highly original story. I can't wait to read more.
I'm reading this because it ties into Revolution, has some Transformers things at the end of the actual issue, and because I want to stay with my sister and she's having a migraine so bad that she can't have the lights on. So... this is not my jam at all. I find everyone unlikable. Onto issue ...
I just really am not into this. (I also am not into Barber's new Optimus Prime series, which is a combination of feeling blah today, always having liked Roberts' writing more than Barber's, and not enjoying Revolution - as I enjoyed what Prime was doing with the annexation more pre-Revolution. A...
First things first: I received this book through NetGalley. The Volume comes out in october 25 (two days after my birthday, if anyone wants to buy me something. LOL) I love this comic. Normally I just blow through them but this time I decided to take my time with it and I am so glad I did. Also I ...