Started off really cool. Kicks you in the face with awesome tech and all kinds of jargon right from the start, which made me think it was going to be wall-to-wall ass kickery the whole way through. Instead it turns into murder mystery intrigue and continues along for at least one-third of the book t...
Pro:Fangen wir mal beim Oberflächlichen an: das Cover hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen. Die Stadt im Hintergrund, die Zahnräder und das Luftschiff in der oberen Ecke... Das passt wunderbar zu der Mischung aus Historie und Magie, die das Besondere dieser Bücher ausmacht.Wie schon im ersten Band hat g...
Pro:Die Autorin schildert überaus dicht und lebendig die Atmosphäre, die im multikulturellen New York des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts herrschte. Besonders das jüdische Viertel, in dem unser jugendlicher Held Sascha ein karges aber glückliches Leben führt, kann man praktisch sehen, riechen, hören und sch...
2.5 stars.Yeesh. This one is gonna be hard to talk about for the simple fact that it was okay; it was actually a decent book, but I didn't care for it all that much, for reasons mostly unknown to me.
Alternate New York in the early 20th century, with magic! Sacha Kessler is a young Jewish boy who gets apprenticed to a New York Police Inquisitor. Fun period details, illustrations that reminded me strongly of the first All of a Kind Family book, and nice characters. I did wish at a certain point t...
This didn't work for me at all- from the cute, slightly changed names (VanderBilk, JP Morgaunt & etc.) to the almost claustrophobic Jewish arcana that filled every page- it simply didn't grab me, and I'm wondering how it is faring with the middle grade audience it's aimed at. I never quite got a se...
Genre: Science Fiction (post-human, far dark future) / RomanceBrainycat's 5 B's:boobs: 1 // blood: 3 // bombs: 3 // bondage: 1 // blasphemy: 2Currently listening to: ESA "The Sea and the Silence"Sometimes books have a singular aspect that attract their readership despite all the other failings; one ...