There are so many books and stories about an apocalypse - with every book having its own idea on what the apocalypse will be - but not many books mention our four-legged or winged friends. When you think about this, it's strange, since I know so many people who consider their pets to be family membe...
Great collection of conspiracy themed shorts. Grabbed through KU and I recommend!
Since Susquehanna left the story on a slight cliffhanger there is no way getting around reading Columbia too. Mary Brenneman, the leader of the Bestimmung Company, remains captive in the hands of the Transport regime, and Stug and Hatch are going AWOL from their unit on a rescue mission. Suicide, re...
Food. Food is essential. Every time and especially in times of war when you are a rebel force fighting against an oppressive regime, like TRACE does against Transport. When the urgently needed food is stolen on its way to the hidden camp from the Amish Zone, it complicates things obviously and soldi...
As it has to be for a collection like Tales Of Tinfoil some of the usual suspects make an appearance. JFK, Elvis, Hitler or Area 51. It seems to be a necessary evil, which is no evil at all, but a pretty damn fun thing, to include those as no conspiracy would be indeed a conspiracy without them. Due...
I am most likely interrogating this text from the wrong perspective ;-), missing out on the historical and futuristical aspects of the story that is Gettysburg. Set in the world of Michael BunkerĀ“s Pennsylvania (which I have not read yet) Gettysburg *apparently* draws heavy comparison to the origina...
In the core of The Serenity Strain is a family of three, Mark and Lauryn who are two weeks shy of a divorce, and their teenage daughter Megan (Teenage Angst Inc.), who despite their estrangement from eachother come together again simply to survive. And three hurricanes coming along your way definite...
Food Glorious Food!Some battles are won with bullets while others are won with food, or the lack of it. In this second installment of author Chris Pourteau
An Epic Battle Reimagined.I am a history buff and have studied the American Civil War and it