As memoir go Christa Parravani, seem to have laid it all out, and it not always pretty, but it is well written. At times the wonderful, sometimes tedious, but general honest. I understand that though this is a story of just one set of twins and can not be applied as a general rule to all twins it s...
This was one of the books I chose to read based solely on the cover, a haunting photograph of two women poised to shatter. When I started it I didn't know the two women on the cover were twin sisters and that one of them was dead. The book was so painful to read that I can't imagine how horrible i...
HER is a tragic story of identical twins torn apart first by a rape and then by death. This is a surprisingly intimate memoir. Christa Parravani isn't keeping many secrets, and the line between herself and her sister Cara is almost nonexistent. She shares deeply personal information about both of th...