Dieses Werk von Chista Wolf polarisiert offensichtlich sehr stark zwischen völliger Begeisterung und totaler Ernüchterung und ehrlich gesagt konnte ich persönlich beide Positionen gleichermaßen nachvollziehen, wodurch sich meine Beurteilung konkret in der Mitte manifestiert. Stilistisch und erzählte...
While the narrative style of the novel is not my favorite style, the story does eventually become engrossing. Wolf's story of Cassandra draws on several different veins of the Troy myth as well as references the Cold War. This edition includes four essay that give depth and feeling to the novel. It ...
When Christa Wolf set out to novelize her childhood during National Socialist days, in Landsberg (East Prussia), she didn't just narrate the experiences of young "Nelly Jordan". No, the story is incessantly interrupted, and commented on, by an account of an alter-ego of the author revisiting Landsbe...
It’s odd how, at times, my readings appear to converge or echo each other quite unconsciously. From two entirely different directions I determined to reread my collection of Emma Goldman’s writings and Christa Wolf’s Medea. And yet I found striking parallels between Goldman and Medea. Both women fle...
Powerful account of a German girl growing up during the years of the Third Reich, reappraising those years as she visits her hometown after many years. The story is told slowly and introspectively, as it should be, allowing the memories to come back, so as to make some sense of her life and times.It...
Forced to read this book due to a third year literature course, and being a lover of great literature as well as 'fireside' reads, I got some chuckles from the 'elitist' ramblings of other reviewers regarding the complexity and importance of this book. I agree that anyone who doesn't 'get it' when i...
Because of the recent events (Fukushima) it was somewhat interesting.
This is a book very much situated in its historical time, and in fact dates are stated constantly throughout. It never actually mentions the building of the Berlin Wall by name, but assumes that readers will know what the author is referring to when naming that date; the first human space flight is ...
Dieses Buch zieht sich wie Kaugummi. Würde man es in eine Hausapotheke stellen, dann mit Sicherheit zu den Schlafmitteln.