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Christian Jacq
Birth date: April 28, 1947
Christian Jacq's Books
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She's Reading! ♥
She's Reading! ♥ rated it 7 years ago
Recensione completa su The History Temple! Clicca qui!
She's Reading! ♥
She's Reading! ♥ rated it 9 years ago
Purtroppo mi trovo qui a scrivere questa recensione dopo quasi un mese dalla lettura..o meglio, rilettura, in quanto avevo già affrontato questo testo che mi è sempre sembrato decisamente ottimo. Che dire, l'ho voluto rileggere in seguito allo studio dell'arte egiziana antica e devo dire che questo ...
This Love
This Love rated it 11 years ago
Che dire? Un libro molto interessante, da leggere assolutamente prima di partire per un bel viaggio in Egitto (che purtroppo non farò mai
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 12 years ago
bookshelves: published-1995, summer-2013, historical-fiction, afr-egypt, mythology, translation, re-visit-2013 Wheeee! I have this series lined up as re-reads for summer 2013. Easy-peasy reading style which will suit just fine and dandy once (when?) the heat arrives.pdf g driveThe first time I ev...
MSMO rated it 12 years ago
من أين نبدأ الحديث و القلب حزين !؟قامت علي أرضنا حضارة لا ينكر عظمتها أو قيمتها إلا حاقد أو جاحد ، لكننا لآسف لم نهتم بهذه الحضارة إلا إذا تمكننا من العثور علي أي شئ ينتسب لها يمكن بيعه ويعود إلينا بأرباح سريعة تناسب ثقافتنا ونشأتنا ، فأنك إذا أردت أن تبحث عن أكثر رجل مصري اشتهر عالميا و ارتبط اسمه ...
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