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This reads like a series of shorts. Thor fights Juggernaut and then he's in Hel to fight with Balder to defeat the queen of cinders and then he's in the future with his descendants on earth and Old Man Phoenix and fighting Dr Doom at the end of time. Basically Thor Fights a lot.
I was pretty sure Christian Ward's artwork on Black Bolt was no fluke; it was too amazing for me not to love ODY-C. And I love Matt Fraction's work, particularly on Hawkeye, and I'd heard amazing things about this series. I also had it as part of a Humble Bundle, so this should have been a no-bra...
Full review at my site.Some of Marvel's best characters come together to solve the universe's biggest problems. But sometimes, fixing things have serious consequences, and not everyone will agree with what you do.
Infinite Vacation is a rather high concept graphic novel. A phone app allows people to arrange vacation swaps with versions of themselves in alternate realities. You can spend a week in a world where you pursued a different career or married a different person, while the you from that reality tries ...
I understood right away, from the obvious title, that what I would be reading was a retelling of the Odyssey with women playing the major roles rather than men. Also, set in space. I was very interested in reading a comic book that was a switched gender retelling of the Odyssey set in space. H...