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Christina Baker Kline - Community Reviews back

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Lazy days
Lazy days rated it 5 years ago
Damn life in the early 1900s was hard and the things that were allowed back then I can't even! Trains transporting hundreds of thousands of vulnerable orphaned children to be sold off like cattle. Appalling and fascinating and I devoured this book in a couple of days thereby breaking a bit of a slum...
SusesBuchtraum rated it 6 years ago
★★★★☆ (4 von 5 Sterne)Inhalt:1929: Niamh kam mit ihren Eltern und Geschwistern von Irland nach New York. Als eines Tages ein Feuer den größten Teil ihrer Familie tötet, steht Niamh alleine da. Sie wird in einem Waisenhaus untergebracht. Jährlich fährt der Orphan Train mit Waisenkindern von Stadt z...
My Never Ending List
My Never Ending List rated it 7 years ago
I waited till I finished reading this novel to view the portrait, Christina’s World, which surrounded this novel. I had my own version of what this painting entailed as I read the novel but as I viewed the actual image, the landscape felt more void and lonely than I had anticipated. Christina’s imag...
Thewanderingjew rated it 8 years ago
The book essentially tells the story of events leading up to the painting of “Christina’s World” by Andrew Wyeth. I have always loved the painting and have a print of it in my home. It conjures up thoughts of hope as well as desperation, of longing and success, of family and serenity, of disappointm...
LeseBlick rated it 8 years ago
Inhaltsangabe New York, 1929: Mit neun Jahren verliert Vivian Daly, Tochter irischer Einwanderer, bei einem Wohnungsbrand ihre gesamte Familie. Gemeinsam mit anderen Waisenkindern wird sie kurzerhand in einen Zug verfrachtet und in den Mittleren Westen geschickt, wo die Kinder auf dem Land ein neues...
NiWa rated it 8 years ago
Ende der 20er-Jahre wird die neunjährige Vivian in einen Waisenzug gesetzt. Als Tochter irischer Einwanderer hat sie bei einem Häuserbrand ihre Familie verloren und fährt kurzerhand einer ungewissen Zukunft entgegen. Erst im hohen Alter bringt sie es über sich, dem Teenager Molly ihre Geschichte zu ...
100 Pages A Day...Stephanie's Book Reviews
Molly Ayer is seventeen and has been kicked around the foster system in Maine for a good part of her life. With her current family, she doesn't quite fit in; her foster mom isn't too sure of Molly and is convinced that she is a bad kid. When Molly is caught stealing a copy of Jane Eyre from the li...
Sushicat rated it 9 years ago
I found the recounting of the circumstances under which the children grew up difficult to stomach. This history is not specific to the US, but can be found in other places as well. it reflects a view on children's worth and rights that is very different than what it is today (for the most part). I l...
The Book Ends Reviews
The Book Ends Reviews rated it 9 years ago
So loved this book.
What. rated it 10 years ago
When Molly, a troubled teen who has spent her life in the foster system, steals a book and is forced to make up for it by helping an old woman clean out her attic (yeah, that makes sense), she has no idea the ways in which it will affect her life. Vivian shares with Molly tales of her heartbreaking ...
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