Read my full review @: opinion: I didn't give this book two stars for the underlying storyline which I found fascinating. I have never been a fan of Freud so this story explained the source of much of his thought and ego. I gave the book two stars for its' writing. When the bo...
Disclaimer: I received a copy via Netgalley. It is perhaps a little known fact that Freud’s sisters died in the Holocaust while the man himself and other members of family were able to escape. That is pretty much all I know about the Freud family. Regardless, it made me interested enough to req...
Направо ме побиват тръпки от това произведение. Така и не дочетох втората част - и не възнамерявам да го правя поне следващите 20 години.Не понасям Алеко още от "Разни хора, разни идеали," през чарковете на машината, че и Бай Ганьо.Голям късмет изкарах, че не ми се падна нито на изпита след седми кл...