Hmmm.... Acabo de terminar el libro y todavía no se muy bien qué pensar. La idea de poder predecir el comportamiento de la gente mediante una serie de preguntas/test está muy bien pero más desaprovechada no podría estar. El 90% del libro es una novela de JR puro y duro y luego tiene ese toque "curio...
Most of the time the descriptions of books are what drags you into a story. They are the main tool that gets readers to want to pick up that particular books. If the description isn’t good it is highly unlikely that a reader will want to read further. Well for The Predicteds the description dragged ...
INITIAL THOUGHTS: I’ve read tons of books that have great covers but with a not so good story line which made a little hesitant to read this book. I was curious to know what the real content of this book is. The Goodreads summary was very short and not entirely what the whole book was about. That s...
A very different type of book from what i usually read.
Short and Sweet:What if there was a program could predict that could bad things before it happened? If it knew who the "bad apples" were and could allow for possible future situations to be avoided? Questions such as these make up a large chunk of The Predicteds. Should we know? If we do know, how t...
in a sentence or so: what if you knew who the school shooters, the teenage moms, the drop-outs, and all the other bad seeds were? what if you were one of them?Daphne is a new girl, yet again, and is doing her best to get through her first full day at a new school. and that's when a school shooting h...
Could you imagine waking up one day and being told that you are predicted? That they know you will commit a crime of some sort and have violent tendencies? That is exactly what is happening to the people around Daphne. They have created a program that tells them if someone has it in them to be viole...
The Predicteds by Christine Seifert has a very interesting premise, so I was definitely looking forward to reading it. It still ended up surprising me! Insightful, realistic and engaging – definitely a story that’s hard to put down.Daphne and her mother have recently moved to Oklahoma. During her fi...