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Christmas Eve at Friday Harbour (Friday Harbor) - Community Reviews back

by Lisa Kleypas
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Sheila's Reads
Sheila's Reads rated it 3 years ago
Mark gets custody of his niece, Holly, upon the death of her mother. Holly has quit talking. When they go into Maggie's toy store, Maggie shows Holly a fairy house, and tells Holly she does not know the fairy's name but when she does she'll paint in above the house's door, and a conch shell which sh...
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it 6 years ago
This book was awful. My say something nice is that I liked the cover. That's all I really got here. I am realizing that my Achilles heel for romance reads are any books that deal with widows or widowers finding love again. Not to say that they should not in real life. I just hate how the authors set...
Rachel's books
Rachel's books rated it 9 years ago
I am ambivalent about this book. It's well written, I liked the characters. I didn't like that Mark was in a relationship with Shelby for over half the book. Mark does string Shelby along. Conveniently, Shelby does say something that I thought was inappropriate. What happened afterword felt too conv...
mybookjournal rated it 10 years ago
I’ve always loved Lisa Kleypas’s contemporary novels than historical though she is more famous for historical ones. Travis series is one of my favorites and I was looking forward to read her Friday Harbor series as well so started with the first book. The story is like this , Maggi was a widow and M...
Fiordiligii rated it 10 years ago
When Lisa Kleypas started writing contemporaries I was a bit reluctant but her Travis series immediately landed on my favourite list and has since been re-read a number of times. All the more disappointing was Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor which isn't a bad novel, but about as average as possible w...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 12 years ago
Mark Nolan's life changes utterly when he is given custody of his niece Holly after his sister's accidental death. He moves back to the family vineyard with his brother and they work on making a life for Holly. She wishes for a Christmas Present of a mother and he decides that this is now imporant...
otakumom rated it 12 years ago
The funny thing was that I was coming to the library to pick up book 4 of the series which came in for me. While browsing through the stacks, I found book 1 which I had never read but read a lot of good reviews about it on Goodread. This one is by far my favorite of the series. The story is about ...
vysed rated it 12 years ago
A cute, fun, and quick read. The ending came a bit faster than I expected. Some parts were a bit over detailed, while others were lacking. A very near 4 star from me. Just would have liked more post togetherness. It was a good lead up and then bam, rushed ending.
Marulett rated it 12 years ago
I LOOOOOVED THIS BOOK!!!!!From cover to cover it´s a swoon fest!! The story works perfectly for the characters, they are damaged but with love anything can be fixed.I really look forward to the rest of the series :D
Barbara's Booky Blog
Barbara's Booky Blog rated it 12 years ago
I had no idea this was a novella when I started reading but it became apparently clear when I only had 10 pages to go and the story wasn't even close to an ending yet it ended anyway. At a mere 211 pages, [b:Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor|7989800|Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor (Friday Harbor, #1)|Li...
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