He said that Aladdin was in China.Uhh... No. Completely wrong.He also says that Star Wars was set in our galaxy in the distant future. ..."A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." I think is the actual quote. I THOUGHT IT WAS A PRETTY FAMOUS QUOTE.
Uh...okay?Check some reviews on this, and also wait until Janice George finishes and see what she thinks.
Over the last year, I've heard a surprising number of people tell me that they don't believe in climate change, and I thought I should check out the other side of the argument more carefully. This book is written by a leading skeptic, who was also one of the founders of Private Eye, my favourite sat...
Great to read in parts, but as a whole, long-winded and overly repetitive. This book could have easily been 300 pages and been more effective. I think I will consult it again though. It's a good reference tool.