Christopher J. Nolan
Birth date: July 30, 1970
Christopher J. Nolan's Books
This is the most fun party book ever.
I had the pleasure of reading through this book from Netgalley recently. It's just what it says, the complete script plus some storyboard art.I must admit I wanted more storyboard art than was given, but that is my favorite part. If you love the movies this is a great addition to your book collectio...
This begins with a conversation between C. Nolan, J. Nolan and D. Goyer. What grabbed my attention of this interaction was how easily is their exchange of ideas. Clearly we can see how dear this movies are to them. An interesting detail we get from their conversation is how they approached each movi...
I'm a fan of the movie and I simply had to get this book. It was very exciting to see just what changed from the initial script and exactly what made it on screen. It's the small details that really made it interesting. The difference between who said what line in the finished product and how Nolan ...
A very good book. While based on the movie and holding true to it, this book gives more from the characters. Little additions of the characters' thought processes and their view of the world around them.