I haven't read very many graphic novels.With that said I found Rubicon to be action packed, exhilarating, and true to life. I suspect that this story has a basis on actual events, I did not read that anywhere but it has the feel of reality or in the very least this exact scenario could have played o...
If you are a person who can quickly understand the military jargon/tactical planning aspects of the story, I would highly recommend this graphic novel. Adaptations of all kinds should be encouraged, and this is one of the more innovative ideas I have seen in a while.That being said, the execution fa...
This is a somewhat unusual book namely because it is the script which was transformed into the movie. It is not a novelisation so I am unsure on how I should approach this book. Do I write a review based upon the book, or do I write it based upon the movie considering that it is much closer to the m...