An extremely convoluted plot detailing a number of misguided people simultaneously doing equally misguided stuff. It illustrates rather well my favourite of Pelevin's 'Миром правит не тайная ложа, а явная лажа' which means something like this: 'The world is governed not by covert lodge but rather by...
Expected publication: June 18th 2013 by Doubleday
most of the stories were fairly blah.
Most of the stories were okay. Some were very good, others I didn't like. I did like being able to try out new authors to get a feel for their writing style. Several have been added to my "To-Read" list, which seems to grow much faster than my "Read" list!
Deception, assassins, political cover-ups, love and secrets are just a few things that you will find once you crack open this book. Don’t be afraid of the thickness, short chapters and plenty of action will have you finishing this book much faster than you could have thought possible. The first in t...
I wonder how it is that I've never read Christopher Reich before. Especially since I picked up Rules of Betrayal, whilst half-awake due to lack of sleep because my son's been up coughing for the last 4 nights, just to read a few chapters before I took a quick nap so I could get through the rest of t...
OK, I get it that an author can write anything he (or she) wants to...but to this, I object! I do expect some slight smidgen of character-consistency!
Much was four-star. But too much was barely two-star. My final three stars rating is generous. Well, was generous. I finally came down with 2.