(Original Review, 2012-08-04)There has been a long tradition of defining intelligence to be whatever machines can't do at the time. The recent book "Automate This: How Algorithms came to rule our world" by Christopher Steiner gives a good overview of many of the fields in which computers have achiev...
Although there were a few historical tidbits that were interesting, this book is effectively a tour of how "algorithms" are bringing new efficiencies to many different fields... maybe one day YOURS! Maybe enlightening to the buggy whip manufacturers out there, but not exactly breaking news for the ...
Awesome easy digestion of the many ways algorithms are being used in our world. highly recommend this read.
How can the discussion of algorithms be made interesting to the masses? Of course, one way is to talk about how algorithms affect finances. And sports. And health. There seemed to be so much left unsaid and only hinted at. I wanted more than recursions into Wall Street and biographical snippets...
Interesting book to make one stop & think how dependent our life is on petrol & what it'll mean when it's no longer available.
Some day the $4 per gallon gas prices experienced in the summer of 2008 will be recalled as the good old days when gasoline was a bargain. In the long run, the author contends, the coming high prices for gasoline will be good for us.Our addiction to oil, Steiner's research says, has contributed to ...
Interesting look at how the rise of gasoline will actually help our country! The higher the price rises, the more cost effective alternative energy becomes. Lots of suggestions here. MDI is producing a car that runs on compressed air, but is having a tough time getting it approved in the US as it is...