Ciara Geraghty
Birth date: May 02, 1970
Ciara Geraghty's Books
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Simply a delight to read. I almost didn't want the book to end because I was so immersed in the story. Dara and Stanley were both flawed and yet so real and I loved how Geraghty managed to tie in so many secondary characters to keep the pace flowing so well. Some people might think it was a bit too ...
Life is waiting. You just need to take the first step Endlich mal wieder ein englisches Buch und endlich mal wieder ein richtig schönes Buch von der irischen Bestseller-Autorin Ciara Geraghty. Ihre Art einen Frauenroman zu schreiben ist einfach einzigartig schön. In Finding Mr Flood geht es darum- ...
The combination of having read and really enjoyed Finding Mr. Flood by this author and Ciara Geraghty’s visit to Bailieborough library last Saturday meant that I couldn’t resist buying her first book and reading it immediately.I’m really happy that I can say that this book didn’t disappoint me. Mayb...
The rating for this book should be read as 4.5 stars.Sometimes you read a book and the characters in it become your friends. You get to know them as you read their story, and you grow fonder of them with ever page you turn. So fond in fact, that you dread having to say goodbye when their story finis...
A fun read!