by James S. A. Corey
Series: The Expanse #4 The author duo that brought you vomit zombies now offers death slugs. I was warned that this wasn’t the greatest in the series, but overall I thought it was alright although I didn’t entirely buy Murtry’s motivations. It almost lost me at a couple other points too, but recov...
So, I have way too many books sitting around half-read or less. My various TBR stacks and Currently Reading stacks come to a hundred or so, which is just way too many. So I decided I'm not going to check out any more books from the library or buy any more until I have gone through all of these and e...
This pair of authors continue to impress with action packed stories and characters you grow to root for (or curse them) in each book. Looking forward to read book 5 in this series next month and then continue on with the new release later this year.4.5 Stars for a really fun tale.
“I’m gonna need to shoot that guy at some point,” Ahhh, Mondays.Book 4 of The Expanse series has Holden and the Rocinante crew sent to a new solar system as UN Negotiators. Displaced Belters have taken up residence on a newly discovered planet through one of the Stargates (they'll always be Stargate...
Book 4 in the Expanse series is their colonization/western novel. I have always loved these kinds of novels, both historical colonization novels to futuristic ones. I realize that they're often fraught with political issues (and historical novels with a colonization bent often ignore those issues) b...
The gates have opened the way to thousands of habitable planets, and the land rush has begun. Settlers stream out from humanity's home planets in a vast, poorly controlled flood, landing on a new world. Among them, the Rocinante, haunted by the vast, posthuman network of the protomolecule as they in...
The recently released Cibola Burn is the most recent release in an as of yet unfinished series. It tells the story of a new planet, colonized by squatters and a corporate expedition (RTE) that claims ownership and wants to evict them. Unfortunately, the downward trend set in motion in the third bo...
There's a lot in this one that I love. For example, a space welder who welds in space welding in space in more than one chapter. And pretty much everything about Chapter 54. Man, could have read a whole book about the two characters in that chapter doing anything - laundry, grocery shopping, slashfi...
Better than the previous one, but suffers from the same issue of being long-winding and never leading anywhere.
A fantastic conclusion to the story of HOlden and his Crew or is it. The book is a great read and the tension doesn't really let up. Some of the characters from towards the beginning of this journey appear again and we get to catch up with them. The enemies are known now but the dangers are new. Aga...