It seems that by the time this trial came about the Roman Republic was heading downhill fast. Around this time the tension between the plebeians and the patricians was reaching fever pitch and there were a number of prominent individuals appearing that were rallying the plebians to their cause. This...
I have to admit that this is a pretty long speech, though I'm not entirely sure if it is the closing speech, the opening speech, or just the actual defence (namely because he does call for evidence to be presented to the court at least three times). Pliny apparently believes that it is his best, tho...
I must admit, I love a good murder trial. Okay, this is only one of four that are in the book that I'm reading (Murder Trials) but I feel that it is probably worth reviewing all on its own (in fact I'll be reviewing each of the four trials individually and then looking at the book at a whole once I'...
This work is devided into 6 books. Most of the books are dedicated to discuss the best way of government for achieving the true Republic ('public thing'), a fair society with equal rights for all citizens. It is presented as a dialogue among friends. They present the pro and con of monarchy, aristoc...
Most of Marcus Tullius Cicero's (106-43 BCE) Academica has been lost to the winds of time. He produced two editions of this work, the first in two books, of which we have only the second, and the second edition in four books, of which we have only portions of the first book. And the bits of the l...
Not nearly as in depth as it could have been, hence the missing star, but interesting, insightful, intelligent, and very well arranged. Definitely a must read for anyone with an interest in politics, either modern or ancient, or someone with an interest in Cicero himself.
The original - and still the best...
A very compelling, though perhaps overblown, defense. It's amazing to note how familiar his style of oratory is even to someone born in the late 20th century--this speaks either to the relatively changeless nature of the art, or the enduring influence of the artist.
I had to read some of this for my Ancient Rome class. Loved it! It's the only book I kept from that class, which isn't shocking since I was a Psychology major, not history (much as I love history, I have too bad a memory to be a major!!) Favorites include: On Old Age, Human Cooperation and Agaisnt V...