BR with my Sterek pusher Susan.This was the first Sterek I've read in ages and it was ever so good. Stiles was adorable and even though Derek made me kind of want to punch him at times, what with all his 'frustrated sighs' and snapping at Stiles it was still cute.I cried a lot reading this and I'm n...
Building an entire world in the first 4 pages.. I am impressed. Because that is what Circe6 did. After reading only 4 pages I completely understood the world she put Derek and Stiles in. Set in a dystopian world where everyone is a shifter of some kind and where droids roam the streets to enforce th...
Stiles, Derek and the gang are reincarnated Greek gods.Stiles finds out about this because Derek kidnaps him and tells him that his uncle Peter, Hades, is trying to kill them all.This was quite boring. Sterek sex at the end, that was nice.Now here’s a cute Stiles gif to drool over.
Nice, but I felt as if something was missing.Stiles comes home after he graduates from college. Derek is the new deputy.
Highschool Sterek. All humans, no werewolves.Dual POV.Scott is Derek’s younger brother and Stiles is Scott’s best friend. The boys grow up together in Beacon Hill’s Home for Boys. When Derek is 16 and Scott and Stiles 14, they get adopted. Stiles is adopted by sheriff John Stillinski. Derek and Scot...