by John Berendt, Holter Graham
My first trip to Venice was with my daughter, celebrating her 21st birthday. It was late August, overrun with tourists, unbelievably hot, and we hated it. On our second trip, several years later for a week in October, we fell in love with Venice.Berendt's book is an engaging look at the catastrophic...
I thought Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was overrated, and there's nothing in this one to change my mind. I've listed it as a mystery, because it ostensibly concerns who might have set the fire that consumed La Fenice (the opera house in Venice), but it's really just an excuse for name-dro...
While the topics have nothing in common, both of Berendt's books have been delights to read. I read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil to see if any of my Savannah relatives were mentioned (they weren't) and I read The City of Falling Angels to see if it could keep me as entertained as the firs...
Not really cohesive enough.
Mr. Berendt happened to be visiting Venice in January of 1996 when a fire destroyed the Fenice Opera House. Being an author, it would make sense that he decided to write about it.Including “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” among my favorite books I had some high expectations for this book. ...
Just like in his book Midnight in the garden of good and evil John Berendt gives us an impression of a city and its population. This time he picked Venice.In 1996 the Fenice, opera house of Venice, is burnt to the ground. Berendt hears of this and sets his sails to Italy. In Venice he speaks w...
Berendt is a very patient writer, which to me is neither a compliment or an insult. I listened to this on audio because I think Holter Graham is an excellent reader, and I think I liked the book, too. Large sections of it only loosely tied into the main story of the burning of Teatro La Fenice, Ve...
I'm fascinated by how the author is able to insinuate himself into others' lives, even when they know he is only there to write a book about them. he doesn't sugarcoat anything. Also wrote Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
I read Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil years ago and loved it, so I was excited when this book came out. Berendt really knows how to select a setting. He also knows how to seek out the local "characters" and bring them to life in print. Like Midnight, this book has a central mystery that's r...