City of Golden Shadow
Tad Williams (author)
9780099683117 (0099683113)
Edition language: English
Series: Otherland (#1)
Kids are getting 'stuck' in virtual reality and a group is determined to find out why and put a stop to it. You'd think a book about people spending a majority of their free time in virtual reality would be exciting. The potential is there. But no. I don't think I have ever encountered such a bor...
4+ ... So far. Longest intro ever, 700 pages of setup, all of it good reading.
Dave has repeatedly urged me to read this book - or more correctly, this series of books (there are four) by Tad Williams. I was at first overwhelmed by the length - without spoiling, Dave told me that if I read the first book I absolutely, positively had to read THE ENTIRE SERIES...that there was ...
Alle begeisterten Rezensionen stimmen: Dieses SF-Epos, und so kann man es wirklich nennen mit seinen 1000 Seiten a 4 Bände ist atemberaubend und eine Achterbahnfahrt der Fantasie.Perfekt ist eine zukünftige eigentlich nicht mehr ferne Welt konzipiert, in der sich die Menschen sowohl im Realen Leben ...
Another fantasy/SF epic - except that I would like to point out that "epic" does not only mean "really, really long." According to author Tad Williams, Otherland is not actually four books, but one book split into four volumes for the sake of publishing limitations (i.e., no one would want to carry...