City of Secrets
Mary Hoffman (author)
The latest installment in the critically acclaimed Stravaganza series begins with Matt, the new Stravagante. Despite having a beautiful and very smart girlfriend, Matt is insecure because he is dyslexic. He discovers that he is capable of traveling between two worlds when a leather-bound book...
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The latest installment in the critically acclaimed Stravaganza series begins with Matt, the new Stravagante. Despite having a beautiful and very smart girlfriend, Matt is insecure because he is dyslexic. He discovers that he is capable of traveling between two worlds when a leather-bound book transports him from his home in England to Talia, the parallel-world version of Italy, where he meets a fellow-Stravagante named Luciano-who is hiding from the powerful di Chimici family. Luciano has just killed the head of that family in a duel, and is in grave danger. Banding together, Matt and Luciano must resist the di Chimici family, who are on the verge of making a terrifying breakthrough into our world.
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Format: hardcover
9781599902029 (1599902028)
Publish date: June 24th 2008
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages no: 382
Edition language: English
Series: Stravaganza (#4)
This fourth book was a bit a surprise for me, as I believed it was a to be a trilogy. It was a nice surprise though, as I really liked the first books in the series. This book was a little bit less than the first ones for me though. I think it might be a combination of multiple factors. For one, i...
A wonderful addition to the Stravaganza Series this book was full of action and twists. The interaction between cities and the politics involved to shown and did not allow any aspect to be forgotten.
Review for first four books: It has been a long time since I've read this book, but I remember I really enjoyed reading them back in the day. It was an original idea and fun to read. If you haven't I'd recommend you try it. But I do remember that by the time I was around the fourth book I thought it...
Review for first four books: It has been a long time since I've read this book, but I remember I really enjoyed reading them back in the day. It was an original idea and fun to read. If you haven't I'd recommend you try it. But I do remember that by the time I was around the fourth book I thought it...