This was more 3-1/2 stars... Lexi works for Dan at an investment firm. She's been "in love" with Jack for six years. Or she's been in love with the idea of being in love with Jack. Once she catches Jack's eye, it's not really like what she thought it would be. They have great sex, sure, but she feel...
I liked this. The ending wasn't as good as the rest of it though. And since it was only about 65 pages, the ending is a BIG part of it.Will I be reading more from this author? Maybe, but I won't pay the $2.10 I paid for this one.
Sweet and very short story. I liked it enough that I really wish it had been longer. The author does a good job of simplifying feelings, leaving room for more story and dialogue than explanations of the two. I just think that the characters could have been fleshed out a bit more, but it was still...