Claire Tomalin
Birth date: June 20, 1933
Claire Tomalin's Books
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Reading this, I found it hard to believe that this came from the same mind that had created 'Frankenstein'. This was a story written to amuse a child and the introduction, taking up a great deal more space between the covers than the story itself, goes at length to provide the context for it, but I ...
I like reading biography. There's something fascinating about picking out the details of a person's life from letters and diaries and memoirs. This is the first one I've read for pleasure, as opposed to university study, and as biographies go it's a good one. It's fairly hefty, at 527 pages, but i...
As a devoted Jane Austen-fan, I am always on the lookout for new insights in her simple and short life. As this was praised as one of the best biographies ever written about her, I was intrigued. While it indeed was a very enjoyable and interesting biography, it tended to focus more on Austen's neig...
The Purple Dog, ColchesterPosted in SudburyFamily treeIllustrationsMapsAlas no footnotes, however there are copious notes at the back.
Oh! Now it all makes sense! Now I understand why so many of the characters in Dickens' novels seem so theatrically dramatic. Read Charles Dickens: A Life by Claire Tomalin and you too can unlock such mysteries as they expertly unfold in this top-notch biography!After reading so many of his novels I ...