Clancy Nacht
Birth date: February 15
Clancy Nacht's Books
What a crock of patronizing bull. This isn't a story. It's a parable. It's an excuse to pedantically lecture the reader by proxy. Long-suffering daddy dearest having to live through all the abuse he gets from his horrible, horrible son; why can't you be more like your friend here? Thanks, but no tha...
A PWP sprinkled with minor kink. More D/s than anything. Some flogging. Oh and a sex swing. Nothing too intense. Basically one scene in the mind of a novice Dom.Not bad.Thanks to the author.
It's weird because there's a certain element of each side seeming to know more than he rightfully ought to. Also, Trent's rather dense, which is kind of a given, of course, given this character type to further the plot and whatever, but still. He kind of just assumes that this mysterious man is rela...
I would've give it 4 stars if it's not too many lies.