Clara Bowman-Jahn worked as a registered nurse for thirty two years, finally trading that job for her true love, writing. Clara's short stories have been published in the anthology of the "Campaigner's Challenges 2011 Book," and "The 'I' Word." She is the author of "Annie's Special Day," and...
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Clara Bowman-Jahn worked as a registered nurse for thirty two years, finally trading that job for her true love, writing. Clara's short stories have been published in the anthology of the "Campaigner's Challenges 2011 Book," and "The 'I' Word." She is the author of "Annie's Special Day," and co-author of "Edmund Pickle Chin, A Donkey Rescue Story," both picture books. When Clara is not writing, she tutors individuals in ESOL or English as a Second Language through her county library. She also likes taking long walks with her husband, blogging, and reading books. She is a member of the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Penn Writers, Bethesda Writer's Center and Round Hill Writer's Group. She lives in rural Loudoun County, Virginia with her brilliant linguist husband, and two cats. And she is the proud mother of two wonderful grown sons and the proud grandmother of one delightful grandson.
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