It wasn't going to be long, not with the popularity of the Magic: The Gathering trading card game, for Wizards of the Coast to capitalise on the phenomena and release a series of books based on the game. Seriously though, Magic: The Gathering is like the crack cocaine of the roleplaying world – they...
This is the conclusion to the 'Greensleeves' trilogy, the only multi-part storyline in the prerevisionist books, discounting a couple links between a short story and a novel such as in Hanovi Braddock's 'Ashes of the Sun' and his "Heart of Shanodin" in 'Tapestries', and because 'Song of Time's secon...
Clayton Emery obliquely challenged Forstchen's 'Arena' in 'Whispering Woods' by shifting the emphasis of the story from a macho wizardly pissing contest to a real struggle of the 'little guy' versus the predations of wizards. 'Shattered Chains' not only builds on the strengths of the book, it also i...
'Whispering Woods' starts off and moves a great deal more slowly than 'Arena', because, I think, Emery was leaning too hard on the fact he was writing a trilogy and could take the time for the character development that Forstchen ignored in favor of blood and explosions. What we get is almost a reve...