A pretty convincing argument for why large, established companies struggle to keep up with disruptive innovations. It turns out that the very things that make those companies dominant in an existing market work against them when considering new markets. As the pace of disruption accelerates, the les...
The Power of Everyday Missionaries is absolutely the best resource on the topic I have ever encountered. Ever. It’s written for an LDS audience, but anyone with a desire to spread the Good Word of God will find Clayton Christensen’s thoughts on sharing the Gospel enlightening and inspiring!When Tho...
I've read this book and if at first i had the intention to write a review of it, i realize now that i can't do it because my thoughts wouldn't be representative of what this book is for i read it at the wrong time of my life and wasn't receptive to its message. Without touching to the message of the...
This business book had an interesting take on how companies should tackle disruptive technology - or innovations which create a new market and eventually disrupt and sometimes replace an existing market. The examples in the book were mostly from the high tech sector and included the move from 8" fl...
We need to find ways to help people learn better.Everyone agrees with that statement. Who doesn’t remember hours, days, years really, wasted listening to the drone of an instructor relating information one has already acquired? And an equal amount of time attempting to comprehend information an inst...